SEE Quilts
Our new SEE QUILTS section contains both a Featured Quilts Gallery and a Member Quilts Gallery. In the Featured Quilts Gallery you will find award-winning quilts from shows and exhibitions, along with quilts from our many guests.
In the Member Quilts Gallery you will find quilts submitted by The Quilt Show members. Each TQS STAR member will be able to submit their quilts into the gallery via the Submit Your Quilt tab at the top of the screen. Just fill out the information and then add your photos. It’s as easy as that. Clicking on VIEW QUILT will show you all the photos submitted for that quilt and more information.
Example of SEE Quilts Member Gallery.
You’ll be able to highlight and save your Favorite Quilts (My Favorites) and look at the quilts you have submitted (My Quilts).
Of course, you can always look at all the quilts in the gallery whenever you’d like. (See Quilts).
To find a quilt, search for it by name or artist in the top level search on the site.
The SEE QUILTS home page.